Brainwashed! How much programming did you absorb?

One of the most common hindsight’s mistakes everyone experiences. High school, at best, is just a tool used by collages for fresh recruits into debt slavery. Near outrageous to demand anyone with no real life experiences to go near 50,000-100,000+ in Debt based off the words of a uninterested or bribed guidance counselor.

Now I can imagine your outrage from over here, “But they said I would have no future without a education!”

A nice little half truth to keep you baited.

What they forgot to mention is their experiences. Observe closer, ill wager your current authority figures are well over 40+ in age. Driven by their passion at a early age, spent thousands of dollars to become the teacher they dreamed of. No wonder they push “Follow your Dreams” hard on their students. Its a projection of their life choice

Simple little programming like this have been implanted since you could think. Here is a few Positive examples

“Wash your hands with soap after using the Bathroom”

“Brush your Teeth every night before bed”

“Wear clean clothes everyday, deodorant to hide body odor”

Lifestyle/Habits Programming has been taught to you by family since age 5, worked quite well didn’t it? Like any coin, two sides exist. You can also be trained in NEGATIVE programs as well.

*Without X, you will be less of a Man”

“Money is the root of all evil”

“Follow your peers, Marry young and buy a house”

What they are truly trying to influence is your Behavior. Much easier to convince 100 students each year they MUST go to college verses the alternative. Think, are they truly looking out for your dreams/goals? What makes you special verses the other 99 they must also attend to? Unless you are in the top elite, college will just be a waste of money and time. Especially worthless Majors like women studies and English. I knew nothing at 17 compared to today. Knowledge takes time and effort to acquire, like anything worthwhile.

As with anything in Life, they will always be exceptions. Know what you want to be?(With a high return of investment) Parents willing to help pay part or full tuition? Then by all means, go to the best school you can afford. Remember, on average it will take 4-12 years depending on the degree/skill you are learning.

Feel free to choose your own Destiny. Best knowledge I gained over the years was though mistakes. Sometimes the only way to deprogram all the brainwashing your parents,teachers, and other respected authority figures is seeing RESULTS firsthand.

As with a husband who just caught his wife cheating with another man, who are you going to believe?

Her or your very own eyes


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Greetings, Welcome to Gallant Observation. Purpose of this blog is to record/observe experiences.

Hopefully to prevent the same mistake’s occurring for you.

From ages 17+ ill show you all the trials and tribulations that lead me to this point.

Even if you are not a younger reader, my story should offer a unique perspective.